Moldavite for daily use and the Real Deal
A moldavite’s surface appearance can be used to identify a genuine specimen. Genuine moldavite appears as a transparent green crystal that has visible bubbles and inclusions. It can be any shade from olive to pale green. But it is always a uniform green color throughout. In contrast to moldavite’s rough surface texture, the fake specimens have a constant green tone and polished smoothness – click this link.
Weight is another way to tell if a moldavite is real. Moldavite can weigh between 1 and 2 g and be much lighter than imitators. It is because fake moldavite can sometimes be produced from glass. This material has a higher density. Location of the moldavite may also indicate its legitimacy. Outside of Bohemian Czech Republic, it is difficult to find genuine moldavite. It is likely that a moldavite specimen from another part of the Czech Republic is fake.
You can use several different techniques to verify the authenticity of moldavite in addition visual inspection or weight. One technique is the XRF, a way to find out a sample’s composition. By comparing a specimen’s chemical makeup with moldavite known to have a specific chemical composition, the XRF method can determine whether it is real.
Be careful when purchasing imitation moldavite. The market is filled with these fakes. People use moldavite as a tool to help them generate creative ideas, and to express themselves artistically. To ensure you get a real and authentic moldavite, it’s best to buy only from reputable suppliers and inspect each specimen carefully for proof of authenticity.