Learning CPR is an essential life-saving ability for everyone
Imagine yourself with your family enjoying a backyard BBQ, the laughter echoing across the entire space find more. Uncle Joe collapses while clutching his chest. Fear descends. Are you sure of your next move? CPR skills are invaluable in these situations.
CPR stands for cardiopulmonary rescue. Though it is not difficult, it may be the difference in life and death. You don’t even need to be superhuman to use it.
Imagine a bizarre plastic army of Mannequins in your class. The instructor presses on the chest quickly and with force to demonstrate chest compresses. Initially you feel uncomfortable, but as you practice it more and more, the feeling becomes less. Everything revolves around the rhythm. “Stayin’Alive”, by the Bee Gees, is an excellent example.
In the event of a heart stoppage, chest compressions can be extremely helpful. They maintain blood circulation to the vital organs. In just a few minutes, brain cells begin to die without this flow. This sounds like a frightening idea, doesn’t he? It’s like you’re giving someone their own life back.
Let’s move on to breathing. In particular, let’s look at the lifesaving respiratory techniques that are often portrayed in movies. After thirty compressions of the chest, gently tilt the patient’s head back and inhale. Although it may sound simple, if you don’t take care, things can go wrong.
AEDs might be a name you’re familiar with. Automated external Defibrillators (AEDs) are clever machines that can shock your heart with electricity in order to restart. These machines are becoming more common in airports, gyms, and shopping centres. How to use an EPIRB can boost your confidence when faced with emergency situations.
It’s a fun fact that dogs can also be taught CPR! In an online video that has been widely shared, a canine is shown compressing its owner’s chest during a fictitious training. If our pets can, so can we!
Recall that evening at dinner when your friend choked. CPR may be of benefit in that case. By performing abdominal thrusts – also called the Heimlich method – to remove any food particles that are lodged in your throat, you can prevent choking.
The training doesn’t have to be for adults. Kids as young a nine or ten year old can learn this technique. CPR and first-aid instruction are included in many school curricula today. Afterall, why should only adults get the fun?
Even though it may be unpleasant to consider the worst-case scenarios, such a cardiac arrest, or even choking, preparing for them is the best way to win the battle. It’s reassuring that you can control these circumstances, as opposed to feeling helpless while waiting for paramedics.
Have you attended a teambuilding activity where the participants worked together in real life? You may be shocked to learn that setting up a CPR group training session can achieve both goals at the same time: foster camaraderie AND impart lifesaving knowledge!
Avoid letting fear keep you from taking classes. Teachers are usually more interested in engaging students in the class and making it interesting than giving a dry lecture full of medical terminology. Also, who can say? If you persevere and are determined to learn this valuable talent, YOU could save someone’s precious life one day!
The next time that a local event offers certification classes for free or at a heavily discounted price, you should take the opportunity to enroll, build confidence and significantly increase your level preparedness. You’re better off safe than sorry – especially when it concerns our own safety and the health of others!