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How to Choose a Plastic Surgery

It is no small step to choose plastic surgery as a way to enhance your physical appearance. In order to ensure a successful procedure, you should select a plastic surgery specialist who will guarantee you a good job. It is important to choose a surgeon that ticks off all the necessary boxes, more bonuses?

As you will need professional advice in order to help with this decision, Dr. Taylor Theunissen is one of the top plastic surgeons from Baton Rouge who can guide you through the selection of the correct plastic surgeon.

Things to look for when choosing a plastic surgeon:

Has Your doctor been board certified?

A surgeon’s board certification should be a major consideration when selecting a doctor. There must be an easy way for patients to verify whether their surgeon is qualified or not. It may seem that checking with the state boards is the best method, however the truth of the matter is that government regulations do not mandate that all surgeons are trained for the specific procedures that they offer.

To ensure you get the correct surgery, check out the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery.

Is There Experience With The Treatments Offered?

Unlike many other surgeons who offer procedures, not all of them are specialists. Many surgeons specialize but patients do not realize that they have many subspecialties. If you’re looking for a surgeon to work with, make sure that you ask him or her many questions. For example, what training did they receive, how long have they been doing the procedures, and how many patients they treated.

Are Soft Tissue Filters FDA-approved?

When choosing a treatment that involves injecting soft tissue fillers into the skin, make sure you check if they have FDA approval. FDA approves different products for use in various parts of the face. The FDA may not have approved the use of soft tissue fillers at all locations on the body. In this case, it is best to seek a surgeon who has the FDA’s approval.

Do You Feel Comfortable?

When in doubt, trust your instincts. Be sure to choose a surgeon with whom you feel an emotional connection. You should only choose a cosmetic surgery team that you feel comfortable working with. Surgery can be traumatic, so it’s best to avoid them if possible.