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Comparison of the Browlift and eyelid Lift

Many people are curious about the differences between procedures, such as a lift of an eyelid and a reshaping of a face. Compare these beautiful forms of surgery with this article, going here.

The forehead lift is another name for it. The procedure, however, is much more advanced. It can also treat a large part of the face. The procedure involves an incision made along the hairline. You can do it from ear-to-ear. Before stitching, the excess skin and tissue are cut off. This technique is used to smooth out forehead furrows and lines. The enhancements can be seen in patients whose eyebrows sag or droop.

This treatment can help to restore a receding or thinned out hairline.

Eyelid Lift
It is easier to perform and less invasive. Local anesthesia may be used in some cases to lift the eyelids. For upper eyelid raisings, the incision made on the natural eyelid flap is used. In this way, the excess skin tissue can be taken off the lid. This technique can correct sagging eyelids.

Lower eyelid lifts involve tightening, removing bags and puffiness around the eyes.

Both procedures are complex and require a long recovery period. They are both less painful, but equally effective as alternatives to facelifts.

The treatment area for the browlift includes the eyebrows and the side lids. Lifting eyebrows is also included, as are some folds of skin on the side eyelids or upper lid. Upper-eyelid extra skin and the area underneath the eye are not removed. Both the lower and upper lids are lifted. The forehead, eyebrows and frown-line areas remain unaffected.